7 reasons everyone over 50 should be taking THIS kind of protein

Breakthrough new research reveals 1 specific protein with surprising effects on osteopenia

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

Stop me if this sounds familiar:

Going to bed and waking up with deep pain in the bones and joints…

Not healing from falls and other injuries as easily as we used to…

Having trouble gardening, golfing, or just doing things around the house, because of that throbbing pain in the hands…

In the vast majority of cases, problems like these aren’t just “part of getting old” — they’re actually avoidable.

I know, I know — to someone in their 50s, 60s, or 70s, that sounds like a load of bull. Declining bone and joint health is a major cause of these aches and pains…¹

And it can feel downright insulting to be told that this daily agony is “avoidable.”

But most people — and in fact, most doctors — don’t know that bone and joint deterioration is often caused by a deficiency in one specific protein.

We go through life unaware of this fact…

And Modern Medicine is more than happy to keep us in the dark and feed us expensive “solutions” that just band-aid the problem.

But by restoring this specific protein — which actually costs pennies a day, and is readily available — I’ve seen amazing changes in people of all ages.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ve met countless people who felt their best days were behind them.

I've seen patients go into debt to renovate their first floor… all because they couldn’t make it upstairs to their master bedroom anymore.

I've had people come to me, feeling hopeless that their doctor has recommended yet another surgery.

But most importantly, I've seen people achieve incredible reversals with a simple nutritional fix.

I’ll show you why it worked for them — and why it could help you regain independence and mobility, even if you think it's too late.

I would say that the #1 reason I started was to help the soreness in my knees.

I do believe putting this in my coffee has helped not only my knees but general well being.

I began several years ago with one scoop but recently in 2021 began putting two scoops in my morning cup of coffee… Doing well at 86 years but cannot say how I would be without it. Don’t intend to stop!
Mary Helen Jost

1. What you “know” about calcium… probably isn’t true

Odds are good that you’ve at least considered calcium supplements. After all, we’re told that our bones are mostly calcium.

I hate to say it, but that’s another half-truth from “Modern Medicine.”

You see, bone is a complex tissue. It’s true that calcium gives it strength and density, and that calcium is the biggest part of our bones by weight… but that calcium needs a structure to stick to.

That structure? It’s the organic, living part of your bones… and it’s 90% collagen.²

Without enough collagen, calcium has nowhere to go — and in some cases, can build up in blood vessels, causing arterial calcification and kidney stones.³

It goes without saying, but you don’t want that! It’s one of the reasons that some experts tell postmenopausal women to AVOID calcium supplements.⁴

Believe it or not, one of the most comprehensive studies ever — conducted in Britain on over 18,000 women — concluded that calcium and vitamin D supplements do not reduce the risk of hip fractures in older women.⁴

The same Harvard review concludes that most people are taking TOO MUCH calcium — so how did we get here?

2. We’ve been duped by a “Calcium Myth” for nearly 50 years

As it turns out, two studies in the late 1970s are the source of the Calcium Myth. In both studies, postmenopausal women were given calcium supplements — for a few weeks.

At the end of the studies, the women were tested and found to have more calcium in their blood — they didn’t even really look at bone density!⁴

The studies were too short and narrow to really give us any information — but we spent the next 40-plus years blindly believing this Calcium Myth.

In recent years, scientists have committed to more thorough studies on bone density… and the results have been downright shocking.

Most people don’t know this, but our bodies naturally produce collagen…

But after the age of 30, we produce 1-2% less collagen per year. By the age of 60, most people make HALF as much collagen as they did in their youth.⁵

And it’s not so easy to get collagen into your diet. It’s found in parts of the animal that you normally DON’T eat… like bone, cartilage, tendons, and skin.⁶

See the problem? In our part of the world, nobody eats those parts of the animal.

That means an increased risk of bone fractures… and like I said, most people over 55 are one fall away from a drastic reduction in their quality of life.

I made this change about 2 years ago. Last April, I was in a pretty horrific car accident and had a broken sternum that they were impressed that at my age of 65 was a straight break and healed in about 3 weeks! They were also blown away by the fact that my collarbone was not broken or even cracked, and they were impressed with how strong my bones were at my age!!
Robin Doll

3. This specific protein can help reverse age-related “bone thinning”

Collagen supplements help you replace what you stop producing — and the studies speak for themselves.

In one study that of 103 postmenopausal women, 66 women were given 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months.

The women who took the collagen had an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), compared to women who did not consume collagen.⁷

Since bone mineral density drops by about 1-2% per year after menopause, that means these women got back 4-5 years of bone density… in only 12 months!

As a doctor, I’ve seen thousands of headlines that proclaim “unbelievable” results in studies and trials… and most of them weren’t done with much rigor.

But this one was — and I honestly couldn’t believe the effect that collagen can have.

But don’t just run to the store and grab the first bottle of collagen in sight…

There’s a few more things to know to unlock the youth-boosting power of collagen.

4. Get ready to see youth return to hair, skin, nails, digestion… and more

Now, collagen isn’t just found in your bones — it’s the most abundant protein in your body, and provides strength and support to your skin, joints, muscles, hair, and blood vessels.

It’s actually named after the Greek word for “glue,” because it truly holds your body together.⁸

Hundreds of studies have examined the benefits of daily collagen supplementation.

And the results are simply astounding:

  • After 12 weeks, women taking a daily collagen supplement reported better skin hydration and a significant reduction in wrinkle depth.⁹
  • In a 24-week study of 25 participants, only 2.5 grams of collagen daily were needed to help nails grow faster and experience fewer breaks.¹⁰
  • When 31 healthy adults took 16 grams of collagen daily for six months, they reported a significant reduction in measures of artery stiffness by the end of the study.¹¹
I'm 73-years-young, and after doing this for two weeks, I've already noticed weight loss, stronger nails, less hair loss, my skin is healthier, very little bruising when I bump into things, moisturizing hands & face enhanced.

My DEXA (osteopenia) has begun improving, my digestion has gotten better, and I'm already feeling more energized!!

I can hardly wait to see how I'll feel in two more months!!
Judi Copley-Eyrick

5. Buyer beware… not all types of collagen are created equal.

You knew the answer wouldn’t be so simple, right?

There are actually 28 different types of collagen in your body. But 90% of it is “Type 1,” which is found in your skin, bones, and blood vessels.¹²

Type III is also crucial, as it makes up your muscles and digestive system.

To maximize the amazing health benefits of collagen, you should search for Types I and III.

“Marine collagen” only gives your body Type I collagen, so it doesn’t help relieve stiffness, muscle pain, and digestive issues like Type III.

To get Type III collagen, you need to turn to “bovine collagen” — but even then, not all supplements are equal. What were those cows fed? What kind of lives did they lead?

Those questions around grass-fed, pasture-raised cows don’t just make a difference to your meat — they indicate a collagen supplement that’s clean, healthy, and highest quality.

6. We found other collagen powders to be “all marketing” — so we designed one that suits your needs

As a doctor of physical therapy, I’ve helped thousands of people regain their mobility, independence, and confidence through movement…

But the biggest changes — more strength, more energy, more youthfulness — occur in people over 55 who take 20 grams of collagen daily.

But I had trouble sourcing the right kind of collagen. If it had types I and III, then the source wasn’t of high quality — or worse, I’d find a powder that was clumpy and didn’t mix well.

It seemed like other brands were spending all their money on influencers and celebrities, instead of giving you the best possible product.

So I sought out ranchers that only raise grass-fed, pasture-raised cows… to turn their “leftovers” into quality collagen peptides, helping them waste less of the animal.

Then I tweaked the formula again and again until I had something that would easily dissolve in coffee, milk, tea, water… pretty much any liquid, with no aftertaste — just a smooth, creamy texture.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have fallen in love with their daily health ritual… and we’re at over 6,000 positive reviews.

I’m 72-years-old. After two years and two scoops of this in my coffee a day, my doctor told me last year I no longer have osteopenia 🎉.
Sandy Dufour
I recently had an osteoporosis test. My bone density was quite a bit higher than 10 years ago. I have been taking this for about 3 years. I was so surprised when I got my test results. This WORKS!
Anita Sayle
I have osteopenia, but I have been making this one change for a month now and notice I can walk 5 miles uphill without muscle or knee aches...

Nothing else has worked like this before!
Robin Doll
Grass-Fed Collagen


Skinny Fit

Vital Proteins

Ancient Nutrition
Made In A Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified Facility
100% Hydrolyzed
Dissolves Clump-Free
10 Grams Of Collagen Per Scoop
Contains Only 1 Ingredient
(No Added Ingredients)
Uses Only Type I & III Fibers (Fo Filler Fibers)
Sourced Only From Bovine Hide (No Marine, Egg, Or Chicken Sources)

7. Take the 60 Day Collagen Challenge and feel the difference for yourself

I’m a founder of NativePath, and I’m proud of the way that we’ve transformed hundreds of thousands of lives.

If you want to make a small change that will add quality to every single day of your life, then I can’t recommend grass fed collagen enough.

You’ve been waiting for it, so here’s the catch: all those studies I mentioned? They indicate that results really start to kick in after 2-3 months.

That’s the reason I recommend you start with 3 jars of NativePath Grass Fed Collagen Peptides.

There’s two reasons for this:

  1. Studies show a huge difference in outcomes between 10 and 20 grams of daily collagen — so I recommend starting with 2 scoops a day to see the results you want.
  2. With 3 jars, you can take 20 grams of collagen a day for 6 weeks — and then decide if it was worth it to you or not.

Try it for 60 days, then let me know how it worked out for you! (Seriously, send an email to support@nativepath.com. I read them, and I or my team will get back to you.)

Thanks to our 60-day money back guarantee, this is a risk-free choice.

After the 6 weeks is up, you’ll still have 2 weeks to decide if NativePath Grass Fed Collagen was worth the money.

Here’s how to take the 60 Day Collagen Challenge…

And the results are simply astounding:

  1. Click the button below to be taken to our official website. Choose your package and whether you’d like to subscribe.
  2. Place your order through our secure payment platform
  3. Wait a few days for your collagen to arrive (shipping is fast and FREE in the USA)
  4. Take 2 scoops every day for at least a month. Take before-and-after pictures of your face and hands, because that’s where most people see an improvement first
  5. After 60 days, ask yourself… “how do I feel? Am I better off with this in my life?” Heck, get a DEXA scan and ask if you’re happy with the results.

If the answer is “no,” contact us for a refund.

When you’re ready to take the challenge, just click the button below to get started.

Remember: your collagen levels drop 1 -2% with each passing year. And I’ve known hundreds of people who thought they had all the time in the world, but were actually “1 fall away…”

Yours in health,

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12612169/

2. https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/ASBMRed/matrix.html

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12612169/

4. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-much-calcium-do-you-really-need

5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7336713/

6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16076145/

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793325/

8. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/collagen

9. https://www.jmnn.org/article.asp?issn=2278-1870;year=2015;volume=4;issue=1;spage=47;epage=53;aulast=Borumand

10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28786550/

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5429168/

12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27410733/

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